Stocks Playing Safe Trick

Shares are an investment tool to increase your money, make your money work for profit as much as possible. However, if you do not know how to play, not a benefit you get, but a loss. Therefore, here we provide safe trick to play the stock. Safe from large losses, let alone bankruptcy.

Estimated Price
Doing the estimated price is important actions performed in playing the stock. Approximate prices can we make the guidelines in conducting transactions so as not to be taken the wrong decision. Estimated price is the basic technique to be mastered in playing the stock. The trick is to look at the following points.

- Find information about the characteristics, background, and values ​​prevailing in the company.

- Perform analysis of data related companies, such as financial statements, income statements, and so on.

- Analysis of the information reported in the media about the company.

- Make the analysis as a basis for price estimates.

- Follow the development efforts of the macro world.

- Follow the situations and conditions that are happening or have happened that affect company profits and losses, such as politics, weather, social, and so on.

- Learn movement patterns of the company's stock price.

- Consider a graph showing the process of attraction trendline line, resistance, and support.

- Perform balancing graphs with volume analysis of these garfik.

- Perform analysis of stock prices by using some mathematical calculations, such as the average value, the rate of exponential, transformation, standard deviation, and so on.

- Make a graph analysis as a tool to see the strength of trends, market saturation, predicted the next direction, and so on.

- Master the average price of running and the calculation of the stochastic oscillator.

- Do not do the analysis in a short time.

The transaction is the main goal in playing the stock, as a goal in a football game. The transaction is what will determine the gain or loss that eventually we will get. Transactions are conducted should be based on appropriate decision of the analysis has been done. Here are tips on trading in the stock play.

- Selling stock that has a price above the values ​​that have been estimated.

- Perform the purchase of stocks that have prices below the value has been calculated.

- Do not trade based on the rumors circulating in the market because a lot of misleading rumors circulating in the stock market.

- Perform transactions by rational analysis has been done.

Those are some tips on playing the stock. may be useful