Insurance Education, Promising Investment

All parents of today would want a better life for their children in the future. One provision that must be prepared is education. If the parents educated Strata 1, definitely expected better educated children than that, Strata Strata two or three. Or at least the same level of education her father and mother.

For that reason all efforts made ​​in order to be able to deliver the baby into a strong and independent generation. One of them by way of a promising investment. Yatu participate in insurance education program. Why do people interesting in insured education?

- Need financial certainty for children's education expenses can be met through the school
- Hoping not burdened cost issues for schools when retirement
- Can not predict the age limit and health
- Working in high-risk areas
- Unable to mempresiksi limits trying / working for it.
- Exposed as agents of persuasion friend
- So agents are also interested

But not all people want to become customers of an insurance company. Indonesia is not all communities have a positive outlook on asuransi.Mengapa people are afraid to take out of education?

- Expensive.
- Not yet know they have financial projections
- Do not believe in insurance companies
- Prefer the conventional way to invest
- Many stories tilted about insurance, for example, claims issues, or difficult to resign before his time, or feel loss with the lapse.
- Do not feel comfortable investing in this way.

If you really feel the need to have an insurance policy, consider the following things before deciding to take an insurance product.

- Make sure that your choice is a stable company, is not affected by the financial crisis broke ganjing or banking world.
- Long-standing and have a lot of customers
- Got a branch office that much anyway.
- Quite bona fide.
- Easy to claim
- Some people always want to know, the way the money that is deposited on the customer's insurance company, Is for the benefit of the people or to other matters are contrary to religious teachings. Nothing wrong you know it's also for convenience.

- Benefits of the product taken quite a lot, in addition to investments that promise to fund education also includes health and life funds.
- Can also be used as a bailout.

- Insurance agents have been educated and certified so that customers do not hesitate to entrust their funds
- Knowledge that many agents make customers become comfortable and more trust in its products.
- Agents should also be able to encourage customers to continue its investment program.
- Because if the agent who just need the customer, would not be concerned with the development of its customers, especially if the claim does not help the problem at all.

So as a layman should still be careful before buying. Make a lot of considerations than simply went along. Moreover, if recalling Could you consistently pay your premiums on time? Do not lapse in the middle of the road, will all be in vain.

However, it should also be considered that invest in promising for the future is essential. If insurance is the right way for you, quickly take a decision.