Patterns of Cooperative Management

Differences cooperative management with general management lies in the elements of cooperative management, namely the meeting of members, administrators, and supervisors. The parts of the cooperatives have their respective duties. For example, the Meeting of Members on duty to set a basic budget, make public policy, appoint and dismiss managers and supervisors. Charge of leading the cooperative management of cooperatives and cooperative efforts, while the supervisor in charge of overseeing the cooperative.

If the cooperative has a lot of business units and spacious, the board is allowed or possible to appoint managers and employees. Managers or employees who do not have to be appointed or recruited members of the cooperative. Better, managers and employees is taken from outside the cooperative in order to control more easily. Managers and employees work as assigned by the board so that they are responsible to the board.

Here are some of the patterns of cooperative management that will help cooperatives in achieving its goals.

Planning is a basic process management. In planning, managers decided things should be done should be done. Every organization requires planning, both small and large organizations. Only the necessary adjustments in its implementation given the shape, purpose, and extent of the organization concerned.

Good planning is the planning is flexible because the plans will be different in situations and conditions that vary over time will come. If needed, in planning the implementation of a plan are held back so the sooner the ideals or goals of the organization to achieve.

Organizing is a process to design a formal structure, classify, and manage and share tasks or jobs among members of the organization. This was done so that organizational goals can be achieved efficiently. Implementation of the organization will reflect the organizational structure that includes several important aspects, such as division of labor, departementasi, organization charts, chain of command and unity of command, levels of management hierarchy and communication channels.

Organizational structure
As manager of the cooperative, the board faced various forms of problems to be solved. The most difficult problems arising from within itself, namely in the form of limitations. Lack of knowledge most often occurs because of an administrator appointed by and from members. Therefore, it is not necessarily an administrator is a professional in the field of enterprise.

With limited skills and education levels, administrators need to recruit employees who are assigned to assist administrators in managing and taking care cooperatives to cooperative work can be completed properly. Given the various parties who helped administrators manage the cooperative effort, the more complex the structure of the cooperative organization. Selection of cooperative organization structure must be adapted to the shape of business, business volume, as well as broad market of products produced. In principle, all forms of organizations have strengths and weaknesses.

Direction is the most important management functions for each person who works in an organization have different interests. In order for the different interests do not clash, leaders must be able to steer the company to achieve corporate objectives.

Supervision is a systematic attempt to make all the company's activities in accordance with the plan. Process monitoring can be done through several stages, ie setting standards, comparing the activities carried out with a predetermined standard, measure the deviations that occur, and then take action if necessary evaluations. Each company's control, with the aim that the implementation of activities in accordance with a predetermined plan.