About the Definition of Goods and Services

Goods and services have a very broad definition of our daily lives. Because, basically, goods and services is a factor that can not be separated in human life. The breadth of understanding of goods and services causes a lot of assumptions are summarized by the experts on the definition of goods and services. On this occasion there are few conclusions obtained from the experts about the definition of goods and services that will be discussed one by one.

Understanding Items
Goods are any good thing that both tangible and intangible, movable or not even move, which has many purposes such as trade, worn, used or exploited by consumers.

Goods Distribution
Goods is something that many kinds. However, in outline, for the objects in tangible and intangible goods and chattels and goods not moving.

Tangible goods are goods that have a particular form, examples of these items such as books, pens and so forth. Intangible goods are goods that have no particular form, examples of these items such as gas, water and so forth lains.

Goods move itself is defined as items that can move from one place to another place trempat good way to move themselves or be moved, examples of these goods are ships, boats and so forth.

While the goods are not moving an object that can not be moved from one place to another. Examples of these objects, namely soil, tree roots are still stuck in the ground, and so forth.

Understanding Services
Philip Kotler explained that the service is any act or performance offered by one party to another party, in principle, intangible and does not cause any transfer of ownership.

Christian Gronross states that service is a process that consists of a set of intangible activities that normally occur in the interaction between customer and employee services and or physical resources or goods, and or system service provider, which is provided as a solution to customer problems Stas.

Something can be called to service when has anything like this, such as:

1. Intangibility (No tangible)
The definition of an intangible, ie services can not be seen, felt, kissed, heard or touched.

2. heterogeneity
Service is something that has no standards, this is because services are generated in the form of a performance, then there is no result from the same service even if done by the same person.

3. Perishability (not durable)
That can not be stored or used for services is basically something that is directly consumed at the time given.

4. Inseparability (not separable)
The term can not be separated from the services can not be separated from the service providers themselves, both individuals and the nature of the organization.